Thanksgiving 2020

And no, it’s not an oxymoron

Darryl Brooks
4 min readNov 25, 2020

I know, saying Thanksgiving and 2020 in the same sentence seems like a total contradiction in terms, but bear with me. I think we have a lot to be thankful for, and as we progress through these unusual times, there will be more.

First and foremost, we made it to the end of November. It may be different where you are, but here, that means almost nine months of this new normal. And we are still alive. I know not everyone is, but I am, and since you are reading this, I’ll jump to the conclusion that you are too.

And this year, more than most, that in itself is something to be thankful for. I am also healthy. It’s probably been one of the healthiest years I have had in recent memory. And no wonder. Never in my sixty-five years have I put so much effort into avoiding contact with germs. Or any other living organism, for that matter. They say the flu season will be bad this year, but I don’t know how that can happen. None of us are breathing the same air.

More than any year I can remember, I’m thankful for friends. This is for many reasons. First, except for my wife and my Dad, who can still drive to our home for Thanksgiving, there will be no family this year. Our nieces and nephews are doing their own hibernation, and no one wants to be the one to cause illness in a loved one.



Darryl Brooks

Photographer & Writer-I shoot what I see-I write what I feel. Top writer in Photography, Art, Creativity, Productivity, Self Improvement, Business, Life Lessons